Birthday: March 9, 2009 Sponsership#: 2023-00-092HC

Senders J. is a bright fourteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents and brother. His parents were never able to go to school when they were children because their parents couldn’t afford it. They, like so many others in the village, became share croppers to provide for their family. Without the ability to read or write, their options for work are very limited. They recognize how smart their son is and they want a better future for him, but they cannot afford to pay tuition to send him to school. Going to a public school is not an option either because they cannot afford the transportation they would have to pay for to get him there every day. The only option they have is for Senders to get a sponsor to go to the BGM schools. They are happy that this is an option though because the BGM Schools have a reputation for being some of the best schools in the area. They pray daily that he will get a sponsor soon so he doesn’t have to miss any more school. Senders enjoys studying lessons, working in the garden with his parents, and playing soccer. His favorite subject is French, and when he grows up, he wants to be a doctor.