Birthday: OCTOBER 9, 2018 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-089HC

Sarah is a happy and comical four year old that goes to our BGM preschool. She is in the K2 class. She lives with her mother and her grandparents and cousins in Hope Center Village. Her family is one of the first families to move into a house at Hope Center. They were very thankful to be able to move out of the tent city in Port-au-Prince. Sarah’s mother was a young girl at the time when they moved to Hope Center Village. Her mother went to BGM school herself but had to quit school five years ago because she was pregnant with Sarah. Now that Sara is old enough to go to school her mother has started being a vendor in the local market to save money to help support the family. Working at the market these days does not produce much income because of the dangers in and around the village and the broken economy. Sarah’s mama desperately wants her to be able to go to school and stay in school because that will give her a better future. Sarah will not be able to continue school however, unless she has a sponsor. Sara enjoys playing with friends, going to church, and learning how to read and write. Her favorite subject in school is reading. She is so proud of herself when she can read words on paper. When she grows up. She would like to become a nurse.