Birthday: July 9, 2002
Sponsor #:

Robedson is thirteen years old and he lives in Galette Chambon with is mom, dad and seven siblings. His parents are farmers and his mother will be helping as a cook with the feeding program for the school. His father often helps out with construction projects at the school as well. Robedson has been a Hope Center team favorite for several years. He and his little sister are well known for their beautiful voices and they gladly sing for people when asked. Robedson is a regular member of the Hope Center Boys Bible Study as well. He loves school and is very thankful that his parents are receiving help sending all of their children to school. He understands that school is very important and wants to continue to go to school for many years until he is able to achieve his ultimate goal of becoming a doctor. He says that he has faith in God that this will happen.