Clervens J.

Clervens is a precious 3 year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother and brother. His mother is a vendor in the village. She tries to go about the village from house to house selling dried spaghetti noodles. Haitians love to eat spaghetti...

Clerofa A.

Clerofa is a shy little four year old in the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her mother, three sisters, and one brother. Their father died of a stroke last summer. Both of her parents were share croppers in a large garden in the back of Galette Chambon. Her...

Carl Herve S.

  CARLE HERVE is a quiet little 3 year old who has been going to our BGM Preschool in K1 since January. He lives in the area called Plasman in the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents who are farmers. He doesn’t have any brothers or sisters, but...

More Children Posting Soon!!!

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a child with But God Ministries. There are literally hundreds of children in our village who would like to go to school but cannot afford it. If you don’t see any listed, it’s simply because we haven’t...