Patrick S

Patrick has 5 brothers. His Father and Mother are Farmers. He loves to play soccer and wants to be a soccer player when he grows up.  His favorite subject in school is Biology and his favorite color is white.  

Beevensley J

Beevensley Jean has 1 brothers and 3 sisters. His Father is a preacher and his Mother is a homemaker. He loves to play soccer and his favorite subject in school is Creole and favorite color is yellow. Click here to sponsor me!  

Rosemande E

Rosemande has 1 brother and 1 sister. Her Father and Mother are Farmers. She loves to play and her favorite color is Red.  Her favorite subject in school is Math and she wants to be a teacher when she grows up. Click here to sponsor me!  

Djoomica S

Djoomica has 2 brothers. Her Father is a Farmer and his Mother is a Vendor at the Market. She loves to do dishes and her favorite color is Purple.  Her favorite subject in school is French and she wants to be a teacher when she grows up. Click here to sponsor me!...

Chetainia S

Chetaina’s Father is a Farmer and her Mother is a Vendor at the Market. She loves to play and her favorite subject in school is French and her color is Blue.  She wants to be a nurse when she grows up.