Birthday: January 3, 2010 Sponsorship #: 2020-00-100SM

Sheesnaël is a precious ten year old from the village of Bonette who lives with her mother, three sisters, and one brother. Although Sheesnael is ten years old, she is only in the first grade right now because she has never been able to go to school before. She has studied on her own, teaching herself to read and write by borrowing old books that once belonged to her friends. She believes that if she gets a sponsor and she is able to start school at BGM Primary, she will advance quickly to try to catch up to her appropriate grade. She is very excited that she is being considered for sponsorship because she has prayed and prayed that God would make a way for her to go to school. When she found out that someone in her village goes to a school where they are sponsored, she begged her mother to go find out about the school. She believes that God is answering her prayers by letting her try to find a sponsor. She is excited about learning French in school one day and when she grows up,