Birthday: April 4, 2013 Sponsorship #: 2019-00-004S

Tcheesye is a spicy little five year old from the village of Kagwo near Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, two brothers, and one sister. Her mother tries to support the family by selling goods at market, but she barely makes enough to feed her family. They asked her grandfather to help them pay for school this year, but he is very old and does not have a large income himself. He sold a goat to pay for school this year, but Tcheesye’s mother would love for her daughter to have a sponsor so that she doesn’t have to worry about school anymore. Tcheesye loves to play with her friends, study her lessons for school, and go to church. Her favorite subject in school is coloring. She does not know what she wants to be when she grows up, but her mother says she would make a good lawyer because she argues with her brothers all the time and she usually wins.