Birthday: July 22, 2006   Sponsorship #: 2024-00-077M

Sephora is a lively eighteen year old who is super excited to be a SENIOR at BGM High School!! She lives with her parents, one brother and one sister in an area of Galette Chambon called Boje (bo-jay). Her parents are vendors who try to sell goods at market whenever they can. They also try to sell a few non-perishable food items from their home like canned goods and macaroni. They can usually make a decent income with their market, but lately prices have gone way up and the market has shut down frequently due to gang violence in the village. It has also become very dangerous to try to go into town to get more merchandise to sell. Their income has sharply declined over the last few years. They have been determined to stay in the village and send their children to a good school in spite of the dangers all around. It has not been easy. There have been days when the whole family has had to stay closed up inside their house praying that the gang doesn’t try to come rob them. Sephora is so smart, and she loves to learn. She has joined a youth organization in the village made up of mostly graduates from BGM High School. They read books about their nation’s history and politics and sociology and then discuss them as a group. Sephora loves to discuss books she has read and she has become a leader in this group! Her favorite subjects are Spanish and Philosophy. When she grows up, she wants to go to school to become a nurse.