CHESNIE is an eighteen year old senior in our BGM High School from the village of Boucandrice. This is a small village up in the mountains that doesn’t have any school options for children in that area. There is a fairly large group of children that leave their homes in the mountains before daylight each morning to make their way to school together. Chesnie and some of her siblings are part of this group. Chesnie has four sisters and three brothers. Their parents are deceased, so their oldest brother works the family farm while the others go to school. Chesnie enjoys studying her school work and helping her brothers and sisters work the garden. This is their only source of income, so it is important that they take good care of it. While the children all go to school, their brother takes whatever produce they have been able to gather to market to sell. Sometimes Chesnie goes as well and leaves straight from market to school. While it is great that they do have this income, it is certainly not enough to feed, clothe, and educate a family of eight. Chesnie desperately needs a sponsor in order for her to finish her last year of school. Chesnie’s favorite subjects are Spanish and Philosophy. When she grows up she wants to become a nurse administrator.
BACKPACK 2024-2025
HIPS: 36″
SHOE SIZE: Womens 8
CLOTHING SIZE: Womens small, size 4