Birthday: October 8, 2021 Sponsorship #: 2024-00-055S  

Clervens is a precious 3 year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother and brother. His mother is a vendor in the village. She tries to go about the village from house to house selling dried spaghetti noodles. Haitians love to eat spaghetti for breakfast to prepare for a hard and hot day of work. Clervens’ mother does pretty well selling the spaghetti when she has it. With all of the current dangers in the village and on the roads, it is hard for her to get to the distributor to buy more to sell. She certainly can’t take Clervens along with her to go replenish her supply. She would love for him to be able to be in school so that she can try to make a living for her little family and not put them in danger by taking them around with her. She also wants her children to be able to learn and eat a hot meal every day. Clervens enjoys playing with his brother and helping get water from the well. When he goes to school, he is excited about learning to write. When he grows up, he wants to be a musician.