Birthday: December 8, 2018 Sponsorship #: 2024-00-054S  

Clara is a precious five year old that lives in the village of Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, sister, and brother. Her mother is a share cropper in the village. Clara’s siblings are already in school, but her mother cannot afford to pay tuition for a third child. She is already very far behind in paying the tuition for the other two. She works hard in the fields to try to make money to support her little family, but it is really hard. She doesn’t want to ask for help, but she has reached a point that she can no longer work and care for Clara while working so she wants her to be in school. She is asking if she can be sponsored so that she can go to school without having to pay tuition. Clara enjoys playing with her siblings and friends and helping her mother cook. When she goes to school, she is excited to learn to color. When she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.