Birthday:  August 5, 2019 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-010HC

Djoubensley is a quiet little three year old who lives with his parents and brother in the village of Galette Chambon. His parents are vendors in the local market but they have not been making much money lately because markets have been closed quite often due to gangs. Djoulensley’s brother Marvens is already sponsored, and now that Djoulensley is ready for school, their parents would like to find a sponsor for him too so that not only can their boys get a good education, but they can also get a hot meal every day. This is very important to them because there are many days when they don’t eat at all otherwise. Djoulensley loves to go to church, play with friends, and he loves it when his brother tries to teach him to read. He already knows how to say his ABC’s and read some small words. Djoulensley’s favorite thing is to listen to music and watch the musicians at church play their instruments. Djoulensley wants to be a musician himself one day!