Birthday: January 3, 2010 Sponsorship #: 2021-00-005S

Sheenaelle is an eleven year old from the village of Bonette near Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, brother, and three sisters. Her mother does not have any reliable source of income. Last year she was working as a cook at a school in Bonnette, but after the country became so dangerous, the school closed and Sheenaelle had nowhere to go. She heard about the schools sponsored by BGM and she decided to try to get into the sponsorship program. She has not been in school at all for the last year. She desperately wants to be able to return to school so that one day she can work hard and become a nurse. Sheenaelle loves school, she loves to study and do homework, and she loves to learn! Her favorite thing to do is learn new words. She has an exceptional vocabulary. When she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.