Birthday: September 7, 1999 Sponsorship #: 2020-00-084M

Fedner is a twenty-one year old who lives in the village of Galette Chambon with his mother, three sisters, and one brother. His mother works as a share cropper on a farm and then sells some of the produce she is allowed to take in market. Fedner is the oldest of the children and he has had to sit out of school several years to wait for his turn to continue. You see, in Haiti, when a family doesn’t have much income, children in the family must take turns going to school because they only have enough money to send one to school at a time. Fedner’s younger brother and one sister already have sponsors, so he and his other sister have been taking turns going to school. It is taking a long time for him to finish, but he is determined to finish so he can pursue a career in either Agribusiness or Social Work. He believes that these two areas of study can best prepare him to help his community in the future. When Fedner is not in school, he likes to study and work. His favorite subject in school is French.