Loveca is a bright eleven year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her mother, three sisters, and two brothers. Their father died two years ago, but she doesn’t know what he died of. She just knows he was very sick. Life has been very difficult for their family ever since. Her two brothers and one of her sisters thankfully found sponsors after their father died, but Loveca has not found one yet. Her baby sister is not old enough for school yet, but she will be next year and Loveca is afraid that her mother will make her sit out of school so that her little sister can go. Loveca prays every day that she will find a sponsor so that her mother does not have to worry about how she will go to school. She loves school and wants to become a nurse one day, but she is concerned that her family won’t be able to pay for her school next year. She wishes that she didn’t have to worry about how she can go to school or even how she can eat each day. Her family never knows where their next meal will come from, but she knows that God will take care of them and help them survive. At least when they are at school, they do eat. That is why having a sponsor is a really big deal to her! If she and her siblings are sponsored in school, they can save a little of their food each day to take home to their baby sister and mother. Loveca is praying every day that she can find a sponsor. Please, please consider sponsoring Loveca. You sponsorship will help a whole family survive.
BACKPACK 2024-2025
GRADE 2020-2021 – 2nd GRADE