Birthday: January 30, 2010 Sponsorship #: 2019-00-020JHC

Lucson is a precious young man who recently moved to the village at Hope Center to live with his aunt. He was living in Port au Prince with his father, but his father lost his job and could not afford to send Lucson to school anymore. After sitting out of school for a year, his father asked Lucson’s aunt if he could come live with her in Galette Chambon and try to get a sponsor for school. Because we keep tuition as low as we possibly can, Lucson’s father said he could try to raise enough money to pay for his tuition, but he didn’t think he could afford his uniform and books too. It’s just too much for him to try to pay with no source of income at all. Lucson has four sisters and six brothers that also live in Port au Prince with their father, but those who are school age have been sent to live with other relatives. Lucson is sad that his family has been split up, but he is thankful that he is going to have an opportunity to go to a good school. His favorite things to do when not in school are work around the house and play soccer with friends. His favorite subject in school is Science and when he grows up, he wants to become a teacher an teach science himself to high schoolers.