Birthday: July 12, 2015 Sponsorship #: 2017-00-164JHC

Lovemitha is a sweet ten year old that goes to BGM Primary with her brother, Bidley. Their father is a mason that works in the village and their mother stays at home with the children, but she is hoping to one day find a job to help feed the family. They don’t have a constant source of income – only when daddy has work to do. They are thankful to be a part of the sponsorship program because they do not have to worry anymore about how their children will be able to go to school. They also like that they are getting a good, hot meal every day and a good, sound education.

**When the gang attacked the village of Galette Chambon, Lovemitha’s parents decided to leave the village for their safety. The parents withdrew the children from school and moved away in April. Now the family has returned to their home in Galette Chambon and would like for their children to return to school, but they cannot afford tuition for them. They need a new sponsor in order to return to school.