
Birthday: September 5, 2007 Sponsorship #: 2017-00-019S  

Geraldine is a ten year old girl that lives in the village of Bayawonn near Galette Chambon. She has five sisters and two brothers and they live with both parents who own a garden and sell the produce at market. They also try to sell other things as well when the garden doesn’t do well. They make enough to feed their large family, but they do not make enough to send all of the children to school. Geraldine wants to go to school very much, but she also knows it’s important for her siblings to go too. She has been waiting for her turn to go to school, but in the meantime, she studies her friend’s books. She loves to study and practice math. She even likes to play games that help her practice math. She hopes to become a nurse one day and help people in her village get well when they are sick.
